Jasper is found in loose volcanic tuffs, which are penetrated by silica-rich fluids and cemented with various minerals that give rise to a jasper color. Jasper was formed by metamorphic and metasomatic processes. There are several geological environments where jasper can be formed. The uncountable amount of jasper varieties, colors, textures, and combinations result from various conditions where jasper can be formed. The color of jasper is explained by the presence of iron oxides like hematite or limonite that create orangy-red colors of the stone. Cryptocrystalline means that mineral grains occur in tiny sizes, indistinguishable by the unaided eye. Jasper is made of cryptocrystalline quartz grains. Instead, jasper is an opaque gemstone that doesn’t transmit light even through the thin edges or chips of stone.ĭue to jasper opacity, it is easy to distinguish real jasper from fakes or other natural minerals (like agate or obsidian) that imitate jasper. Raw natural jasper from the seaside looks matte, but it can have a glassy luster after polishing. Jasper is an opaque, commonly red stone with intricate banded texture. Jasper is an opaque variety of chalcedony, which is cryptocrystalline quartz, where quartz grains are invisible with an unaided eye. It is familiar to many people, even if they don’t know it was jasper. Jasper is a widespread gemstone of reddish colors and tangled textures that can create even whole beaches. If you are interested in checking out the best books about rock and minerals identification you can find them by clicking here (Amazon link). What Does Jasper Look Like and How is Jasper Formed
Jasper rock in illinois how to#
Let’s clarify what jasper is, identify its main substitutes, and define several steps on how to differentiate between them. Sometimes obsidian and marble can be sold like jasper. They are primarily other microcrystalline and cryptocrystalline quartz varieties like agate, quartzite, and onyx. The main issue with jasper is that it is commonly another natural material that can be traded under the name jasper. Real jasper is composed of tiny quartz grains, and that is why its hardness is 7 on the Mohs scale. The second distinctive feature is hardness.

Real jasper is opaque and doesn’t transmit light. To identify real jasper, watch through it in the sun or kit with a flashlight. It is pervasive on a lake and river beads, and seasides. Most probably, you have already seen jasper. Jasper is one of the most widespread gemstones with some very distinct properties for identifying real stones. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases with no additional costs for you.